Basic Items to Bring Into Your At-Home Sauna Sessions

For maximum relaxation, you’ll want to bring a few essentials with you as you step into your infrared sauna at home. How you spend your time in there is your choice, but you can make it more comfortable and enjoyable with the following tips. Before you know it, you’ll have created your own perfect sauna routine.

Infrared Sauna
 Towels for Your Comfort

You are probably going to sweat during your sauna sessions, although some people sweat more than others. It’s your body trying to keep itself cool. Sweat is mostly comprised of water and minerals. If you don’t already have nice towels exclusively for sauna use, it’s time to get some. Treat yourself to high-quality bath and hand towels. You may want one to sit on and one to wipe your face with. If you’re wanting an aromatic and spa-like experience while you are in the sauna, you could add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to a damp towel.

Water to Keep You Hydrated

You don’t want to go into a solo portable infrared sauna—or a sauna of any size—dehydrated. Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing. And proper hydration is an important part of safe sauna use. Before entering the sauna, be sure to drink a glass of water. You should also bring some water into the sauna to sip on. When you’re done, rehydrate with about three times as much water because your body loses essential nutrients during sweating. You should also consider an electrolyte drink to restore lost nutrients as part of your overall rehydration plan.

Unplug to Relax the Mind and Body

This is entirely your decision. If you truly want to unplug, leave your phone behind. The purpose of going into the sauna for many is to completely relax the mind and body without any noise or stimulation. Not only that, heat and moisture can potentially damage your device, depending on what kind of sauna you’re in and how hot it is in there. On the other hand, some premium infrared saunas are equipped for you to bask in a sound system, complete with Bluetooth capacity and USB ports. An Acoustic Resonance Therapy option is a popular sauna enhancement that creates an environment for sound and vibrational healing.

Clothing Optional

In your one-person personal sauna at home, maybe you don’t wear clothes if you don’t want to. You don’t have to worry about etiquette as you would in a public sauna. If you do wear clothing, regardless of sauna size, make sure it’s not too restrictive to let your body breathe. A loose tank top and shorts or breathable swimwear will work. When it comes to sauna clothing, as little as possible is ideal, depending on your situation.

About Sunlighten®

Sunlighten is the answer when it comes to enhancing your wellness strategy. Their diverse selection of innovative at-home saunas make it easy to give you and your family a chance to relax while you support your body and mind in multiple ways. Their technology features varying infrared wavelengths as well as chromotherapy to harness the power of color therapy. You can enjoy single options like their Solo® System personal sauna for portable capabilities or invest in a larger option from their mPulse® line to seat up to five people. All saunas are thoroughly tested and feature high-quality, non-toxic materials that make for a sleek design that’s easy to setup. You can feel confident with any Sunlighten sauna as each one can safely support everything from proper muscle recovery to revealing a more radiant-looking complexion.

Learn more about getting the most out of your Sunlighten sauna at


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